
Declaration of range variables don't get tooltips

If you hover over the declaration of the local variables, they show their types, but the similar declarations in the query syntax do not:
Dim a As String = "Test"
Dim b = "T2"
Dim c = "C"c
Dim d = Nothing
Dim e = CStr(Nothing)
Dim f = New String({})

Dim qa = From ia As String In {a} Select na = ia
Dim qb = From ib In {b} Select nb = ib
Dim qc = From ic In {c} Select nc = ic
Dim qd = From id In {d} Select nd = id
Dim qe = From ie In {e} Select ne = ie
Dim qf = From [if] In {f} Select nf = [if]
The equivalent of the nx range variables do get tooltips in C#, but so do their equivalent New With {.nx=} anonymous fields in VB.NET, but the equivalent ix range variables are treated the same in C#.


  • Options
    Fixed in VB, but C# still misses out on the ix declaration tooltips:
    string a = "Test";
    var b = "T2";
    var c = 'C';
    object d = null;
    var e = (string)(null);
    var f = new string(new char[] { });
    var qa = from string ia in new[] { a } select new { na = ia };
    var qb = from ib in new[] { b } select new { nb = ib };
    var qc = from ic in new[] { c } select new { nc = ic };
    var qd = from id in new[] { d } select new { nd = id };
    var qe = from ie in new[] { e } select new { ne = ie };
    var qf = from @if in new[] { f } select new { nf = @if };
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