Re: Suggestion: Vertical Code Editor Guides
The status area shows the current line #, current column #, and character index in the upcoming Mac version (this feature will eventually find its way into the Windows version, too). (View Post) -
Re: Async flavors of `Util.CacheAsync` and `Util.Cache` can throw `RuntimeBinderException`
This occurs because I've not written a cache converter for dictionaries - it's on the TODO list. (View Post) -
Re: `LINQPad.Controls.DataListBox` hides content if it is the first thing added to a `DumpContainer`
Thanks - I'll flag this. (View Post) -
Re: BenchmarkDotnet.linq AllocatedBytes Bug
I should also mention that if you ever want to do a reset, you can delete the file and LINQPad will recreate it. (View Post) -
Re: How does LINQPad's Dump decide which type to print?
LINQPad is displaying the static type (i.e., the compile-time type) which it captures via the type parameter on Dump. It does a similar thing when enumerating fields and properties - it uses the fiel… (View Post)