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lprun doesn't respect output format with reactive sources

When dumping an IObservable<T> source, lprun doesn't respect the requested output format via the -format argument. Instead, it dumps a JSON rendering of each individual object and where the output stream as a whole is invalid JSON. For example, save the following (expression) query in a file called test.linq:
from x in Observable.Range(1, 10)
select new { X = x, SquareOfX = x * x }
Then run with lprun -format=csv test.linq. The output will be as follows:
"X": 1,
"SquareOfX": 1
"X": 2,
"SquareOfX": 4
"X": 3,
"SquareOfX": 9
"X": 4,
"SquareOfX": 16
"X": 5,
"SquareOfX": 25
"X": 6,
"SquareOfX": 36
"X": 7,
"SquareOfX": 49
"X": 8,
"SquareOfX": 64
"X": 9,
"SquareOfX": 81
"X": 10,
"SquareOfX": 100
What's more, lprun doesn't fail with a non-zero exit code if the source reports an error. To see this in action, change `test.linq` content to the following:
from x in Observable.Range(-5, 10)
select new { X = x, Y = 100 / x }
This time, run with lprun -format=csv test.linq && echo OK. The output will be:
"X": -5,
"Y": -20
"X": -4,
"Y": -25
"X": -3,
"Y": -33
"X": -2,
"Y": -50
"X": -1,
"Y": -100
"Message": "Attempted to divide by zero.",
"Data": [],
"InnerException": null,
"TargetSite": {
"Name": "b__0_0",
"DeclaringType": "typeof(<>c)",
"ReflectedType": "typeof(<>c)",
"CustomAttributes": [],
"MetadataToken": 100663307,
"MethodImplementationFlags": 0,
"MethodHandle": {
"Value": {}
"Attributes": 131,
"CallingConvention": 33,
"IsGenericMethodDefinition": false,
"ContainsGenericParameters": false,
"IsGenericMethod": false,
"IsSecurityCritical": true,
"IsSecuritySafeCritical": false,
"IsSecurityTransparent": false,
"IsPublic": false,
"IsPrivate": false,
"IsFamily": false,
"IsAssembly": true,
"IsFamilyAndAssembly": false,
"IsFamilyOrAssembly": false,
"IsStatic": false,
"IsFinal": false,
"IsVirtual": false,
"IsHideBySig": true,
"IsAbstract": false,
"IsSpecialName": false,
"IsConstructor": false,
"MemberType": 8,
"ReturnType": "typeof(o)",
"ReturnParameter": {
"ParameterType": "typeof(o)",
"Name": null,
"HasDefaultValue": true,
"DefaultValue": null,
"RawDefaultValue": null,
"Position": -1,
"Attributes": 0,
"Member": {},
"IsIn": false,
"IsOut": false,
"IsLcid": false,
"IsRetval": false,
"IsOptional": false,
"MetadataToken": 134217728,
"CustomAttributes": []
"ReturnTypeCustomAttributes": {
"ParameterType": "typeof(o)",
"Name": null,
"HasDefaultValue": true,
"DefaultValue": null,
"RawDefaultValue": null,
"Position": -1,
"Attributes": 0,
"Member": {},
"IsIn": false,
"IsOut": false,
"IsLcid": false,
"IsRetval": false,
"IsOptional": false,
"MetadataToken": 134217728,
"CustomAttributes": []
"StackTrace": " at UserQuery.<>c.b__0_0(Int32 x)\r\n at System.Reactive.Linq.ObservableImpl.Select`2._.OnNext(TSource value)",
"HelpLink": null,
"Source": "LINQPadQuery",
"HResult": -2147352558
More importantly, echo OK will execute and print OK because lprun terminates with an exit code of zero.
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