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Linqpad5 config includes sometimes don't always get copied over

I never have this problem in LINQPad4. In LINQPad5 occasionally I have to run the file more than once, often hitting Ctrl F5 to flush the cache because I get an error that config files in my Includes folder don't get included.

Today I finally went to the temp directory to see what's going on and noticed the config file was missing. I copied it over from the App_Config file which has config sections referenced from LINQPad.config (which appears to have been renamed query_qzszjp.dll.custom in temp dir)

For example, I reference the connectionstring like this

<connectionStrings configSource="App_Config\ConnectionStrings.config" />

Screenshot: temp directory was missing the App_Config folder

Joe, can you fix this please.

Thanks in advance


  • The new beta now copies over files referenced by configSource attributes.

    I don't know why it was working intermittently before - it should never have worked. Is there something else in your application that's creating the App_Config folder?
  • I just noticed you comment after many years!

    I manually created app_config because a .net web application (Sitecore) had a bunch of configs referenced from the main web.config.

    I copied all configs and it worked like a charm till it stopped. I no longer work on that platform, but Linqpad was useful in visualizing the api results.

    This content management system did a lot, even though data access directly to the database was possible, it was better to work with the data through the API because of all the additional logic that was there and also because it allowed me to easily develop features on top of that.

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