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Unable to add a reference to nuget package Microsoft.AspNetCore v2.0.0

I am trying to self host an aspnetcore mvc endpoint in a linqpad script.

Trying to add the Microsoft.AspNetCore v2.0.0 nuget package results in the following error message

There are no usable .NET assemblies in package 'Microsoft.AspNetCore'.
I'm assuming that linqpad is unable to reference packages targeting netstandard 2.0.

Installing Microsoft.AspNetCore v1.12 which targets .net 4.5.1 and netstandard 1.6 appears to work


  • For some additional information, I have .net framework 4.7 installed
  • That's correct: LINQPad NuGet manager doesn't support .NET Standard assemblies To fix this, I need to upgrade the NuGet client, but the difficulty is that the current release of NuGet is incompatible with LINQPad. I've contacted the NuGet team and they've now fixed this incompatibility, so as soon as NuGet 4.4 is released, I can update LINQPad.
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