Memory usage in 5.31
I'm extracting a lot (1000s) of varbinary records to the file system and memory usage starts out at a couple hundred MB, but slowly grows until the system crashes (if I'm not around to stop and start the script).
Here's the code using a Linq to SQL connection.
Here's the code using a Linq to SQL connection.
var folderBase = "\\\\myserver\\share$\\files\\";
var records = Forms.Where(r => r.PDF != null && r.ImageGuid == null).Select(r => r.ID).ToList();
foreach (var rec in records)
var image = Forms.Single(i => i.ID == rec);
var file = image.PDF.ToArray();
var docGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
if (!Directory.Exists(folderBase + docGuid)) Directory.CreateDirectory(folderBase + docGuid);
File.WriteAllBytes(folderBase + docGuid + "\\" + image.ID + ".pdf", file);
image.ImageGuid = docGuid;
image = null; // try this to release memory
file = null; // try this to release memory
Or simply bypass EF for updating: