Possible to run .NET Core 3.1-preview1 in LINQPad?
Recently .NET Core 3.1-preview1 has released:
I tried to switch file "C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad.GUI.runtimeconfig.json" into this, but seems not working😂:
And I tried to modify the "C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\LINQPad\6.3.1\ProcessServer\3.0.0-x64\LINQPad6.Query.runtimeconfig.json", but seems it is a auto-generated file😂
Is it possible to using .NET Core 3.1 within latest LINQPad 6?
I tried to switch file "C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad.GUI.runtimeconfig.json" into this, but seems not working😂:
{Testing code:
"runtimeOptions": {
"tfm": "netcoreapp3.1",
"framework": {
"name": "Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App",
"version": "3.1.0-preview1.19506.1"
C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.0.0\System.Private.CoreLib.dllI expect the output should be: "C:\Program Files\dotnet\shared\Microsoft.NETCore.App\3.1.0-preview1.19506.1\...".
And I tried to modify the "C:\Users\MyUserName\AppData\Local\LINQPad\6.3.1\ProcessServer\3.0.0-x64\LINQPad6.Query.runtimeconfig.json", but seems it is a auto-generated file😂
Is it possible to using .NET Core 3.1 within latest LINQPad 6?
Note that the LINQPad host itself will still preference the 3.0 RTM; only your queries will run under 3.1