Avoid Bill Shock - add currency to PurchaseFromQuote
Just a bit of feedback on the Billing: https://www.linqpad.net/PurchaseFromQuote.aspx
Up until the Credit Card payment confirmation I was expecting to pay $66 AUD, and suffered a tiny Bill Shock, when it was $97.72.
My suggestion would be to put the default currency in the Stripe window summary of payment, and update the totals when the ‘credit card’ ctl00_InsideForm_PayUpdatePanel control is updated to a different currency.
Up until the Credit Card payment confirmation I was expecting to pay $66 AUD, and suffered a tiny Bill Shock, when it was $97.72.
My suggestion would be to put the default currency in the Stripe window summary of payment, and update the totals when the ‘credit card’ ctl00_InsideForm_PayUpdatePanel control is updated to a different currency.