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[LINQPad 5] Cannot run two lprun instances concurrently with shared MyExtensions in portable install

I've set up a folder with LINQPad.exe and a Plugins folder. I run two scripts, one permanently (directory watcher) and one periodically (sync every 30 minutes).

In, this works fine. However, in, the scheduled task fails if the watcher is running:

 Directory of D:\LINQ

03-01-2020  13:08    <DIR>          .
03-01-2020  13:08    <DIR>          ..
03-01-2020  13:08            20.770 Sync.linq
14-03-2020  20:12            14.842 Watcher.linq
29-08-2019  15:53        26.348.440 LINQPad.exe
07-12-2018  16:12             2.430 LINQPad.exe.config
03-05-2018  11:05            11.448 LPRun.exe
07-12-2018  16:12             2.463 LPRun.exe.config
06-08-2018  10:15    <DIR>          ngen006
06-08-2018  10:20    <DIR>          Plugins

D:\LINQ>LPRun.exe Sync.linq
IOException: The process cannot access the file 'D:\LINQ\plugins\Framework 4.6\MyExtensions.FW46.dll' because it is being used by another process.
   at LINQPad.TaskExtensions.GetResult[T](Task`1 t)
   at LINQPad.MyExtensionsManager.CheckForStaleExtensions()
   at LINQPad.CmdLineAppHost.Run()
   at LINQPad.Cmd.LPCmd.Run(String[] args)

Perhaps CheckForStaleExtensions can be made a bit more error forgiving?

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