I think I wasn't quite clear. I am talking about new windows of linqpad being launched ( not about new tabs within ).
Running from a folder with two linqpad files in the command prompt. I waited a little time between commands just in case.
No linqpad windows open.
This scenario opens one linqpad window with two documents:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\LINQPad.exe" "Text1.linq"
...wait for it to open
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\LINQPad.exe" "Text2.linq"
This scenario opens two separate windows with just one document in each:
"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "Text1.linq"
...wait for it to open
"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "Text2.linq"
This gave me two windows:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6-x86.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace45.linq"
These both opened in the same window:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace46.linq"
LINQPad recycles the window when you browse through queries in the 'My Queries' TreeView. Otherwise, it opens them in a new tab.
I think I wasn't quite clear. I am talking about new windows of linqpad being launched ( not about new tabs within ).
Running from a folder with two linqpad files in the command prompt. I waited a little time between commands just in case.
No linqpad windows open.
This scenario opens one linqpad window with two documents:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\LINQPad.exe" "Text1.linq"
...wait for it to open
"C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad5\LINQPad.exe" "Text2.linq"
This scenario opens two separate windows with just one document in each:
"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "Text1.linq"
...wait for it to open
"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "Text2.linq"
@JoeAlbahari - wondering if you saw my comment above? Seems to be new buggy behaviour in linqpad6 vs linqpad 5
Thanks - I've got a fix ready for the next build.
Thanks - I look forward to trying it out!
@JoeAlbahari - is this supposed to be in 6.8.3? Or what build number would it be in?
It's in the 6.9.x builds (currently in beta).
Thanks Joe. I waited until I saw the new update.
To me it seems to work for x64 but not x86.
This gave me two windows:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6-x86.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace45.linq"
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6-x86.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace46.linq"
These both opened in the same window:
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace46.linq"
C:\WINDOWS\system32>"C:\Program Files\LINQPad6\LINQPad6.exe" "C:\Users\Derek.Morin\Google Drive\LinqpadShared\LINQPad Queries\TextManipulation\PowerReplace45.linq"
I'm glad I tested both, maybe there is some difference in the code for the different exe names.
@JoeAlbahari - just checking to see if you saw my comment about x86. Thanks for getting it working in x64.
Yes, this will be fixed in the next build.
Thanks! I look forward to checking it out
I'll probably test it whenever I get automatic updates of linqpad.
Thanks, I have checked with the latest update and everything seems to be working now