Should it be possible to create a connection with a .dll that references EF Core 5.0?
The Test connection feature fails with error after compiling a .dll that references EF Core 5.0 Preview 3. I am still able to execute queries against the source, but the Context does not populate the Entity tree in the left hand connection pane of LinqPad.
The error I am receiving is:
Error Testing EF Core Connection: Method not found: 'Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IEntityType Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.INavigation.get_DeclaringEntityType()
They've moved the DeclaringEntityType property into a different interface, breaking binary compatibility. I'll include a fix in today's beta (6.8.3) that will use dynamic binding to work around the issue. Let me know how you get along.
The Entity tree is now populated as expected. Thanks!