Field order for NuGet package is wrong but in-linqpad-code is correct
Say this code:
void Main() { new AVRational { num = 3, den = 4 }.Dump(); new Fraction { Num = 3, Den = 4 }.Dump(); } public struct Fraction { public int Num; public int Den; }
Will generate following result:
AVRational is from NuGet package: FFmpeg.AutoGen
Look at the screenshot here, in NuGet package's property order, den is in front, but it's actually num should be in front of den.
I think we should keep the property/fields order when dumping.
There's an option in Edit | Preferences > Results, under Column Ordering. The default is 'Alphabetical with external types', which usually works the best. If you change it to 'Ordinal', it will always use the metadata order instead.
Thanks, that works good to me