Is it possible to set ignore fields for the dbcontext in linqpad
I'm dealing with Temporal Tables in Linqpad, and I'm having problems with the Temporal Table time fields.
Is it possible to tell linqpad to ignore these fields ?
Ordinarily, I'd use something like the following in OnModelCreating
Ignore(x => x.SysEndTime);
Ignore(x => x.SysStartTime);
However, I'm not sure how to do that in linqpad
There's no feature to exclude specific tables or columns.
Regarding temporal table columns, I've just performed a test and appears that LINQPad doesn't recognize these columns as computed, which will mean you'll get an error when trying to commit updates. Is this the problem, or do you also run into issues when querying the tables?
Hi Joe,
Thanks for the response. Sorry for the delay.
Yes, this is the problem I'm having. Reading data from a Temporal Table is fine in Linqpad.
The latest LINQPad 6 auto-update should now properly handle temporal tables. Let me know if it's still a problem.
Thanks Joe,
Works, all good here