linqpad 5 debugger suddenly not working anymore
since recently the debugger of linqpad 5 is not working anymore on my machine.
Whenever I step into a script, an error message is shown and the "Debugger" tab remains empty:
I am using linqpad v5.43(AnyCPU, xcopy-deploy).
Any help greatly appreciated!
Have you tried re-starting your computer?
Yes, sure. I have also installed all windows 10 updates but the problem remains.
I' ve just tried it again and reported the error via the dialog with the following message:
System.ArithmeticException as described in
For the benefit of anyone else that runs into this problem, the solution is described here:
In summary: press the Windows key and type 'color management' to bring up the Windows Color Management settings dialog. On the Advanced tab under Windows Color System Defaults, set the device profile to System Default.