
LINQPad 6 Error


I was using LINQPad 5 and with AWS NuGet package and it was working.

Same script - when upgraded to LINQPad 6...

Amazon.EC2.Model.DescribeInstancesResponse describeInstancesResponse = ec2Client.DescribeInstances();

In above line DescribeInstances() is not coming in IntelliSense. (attached image)

Geting this message : CS1061 'IAmazonEC2' does not contain a definition for 'DescribeInstances' and no accessible extension method 'DescribeInstances' accepting a first argument of type 'IAmazonEC2' could be found (press F4 to add an assembly reference or import a namespace)


  • Options

    With LINQPad 6, you will be using the .NET Core version of using Amazon's library, instead of the .NET Framework version with LINQPad 5. The .NET Core version doesn't expose a synchronous version of the DescribeInstances method, so you must call the asynchronous version instead:


    Note that this will return a Task, so you must either await the result or use the .Result property to access the result synchronously:

    var response = ec2Client.DescribeInstancesAsync().Result

  • Options
    edited December 2020


    Thank you.

    Please close this issue or let me know how to close it.

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