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LINQPad 5 connection to EF Core 3.1.x typed context in a .NET Framework 4.6.1 DLL


We just started using EF Core 3.1.10 in a .NET 4.6.1 project. My understanding is that I need to keep using LINQPad 5 and not go to 6, because the assembly being connected to is a .NET Framework assembly, not .NET Core (despite it using EF Core inside). IOs that correct? If so, how do I connect to it from LINQPad? I was able to do this with EF6 just fine before.

When I try to set up a connection with typed data context using EF Core driver, I get:
Method not found: 'System.Type.Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IProperty.get_ClrType()'

I installed the custom EF Core driver in LINQPad, but it says it's EF Core 2.x and I don't see one available to download that is 3.x. Would a specific EF Core 3.x driver be needed for LINQPad to be able to connect to it? If so, is that something that will be available for LINQPad 5?



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