Restore DB from .BAK file fails
LinqPad 6
Using backup/restore to copy a dev database from our server to my local machine. Backup is no problem, but restore fails with 'no database specified' error.
Command: RESTORE DATABASE [Management]
FROM DISK = N'C:\Databases_2021_Jan_14\Databases_2021_Jan_14\management.BAK'
Clearly,I've identified the database as Management. Or, that's what I think it's saying. And, I'm doing the restore from a backup file on my C: drive.
Might somebody have some insight on this? I'd really appreciate it.
You're more likely to get an answer to this question if you post to a SQL Server forum, or perhaps StackOverflow.
Ah. Thanks. Trying to write a script to restore rather than the tedious and clunky way SSMS does it.
Thanks for the tip.