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Linked server connections shows error: Invalid column name 'generated_always_type'.

Hi all,

This is my first time trying LinqPad with a Linked Server connection.

  • The "Master" server is Microsoft SQL Server Express (64-bit) version 14.0.2037 running on Windows Server 2019 Datacenter (10.0)
  • The "Linked" server is Microsoft SQL Server Standard (64-bit) version 12.0.6433.1 running on Microsoft Windows NT 6.3 (9600)
  • On the "Master" server, I have created a Linked Server object to the "Linked" server.
  • For testing purposes, I'm connecting to both servers using SQL Authentication.
  • The choice of which server would be "Master" or "Linked" was arbitrary. I don't know if this may have an impact.
  • Querying from SSMS works, except that I found that the collation is different. The Master is Latin1_General_CI_AS, and the Linked is French_CI_AS. I do not have sufficient rights to change the collation on either DB, and I already know what the DBA's answer will be :|

Now, on the LinqPad side, I'm using version 6.12.4 (X64), Premium Edition. Connections to individual servers work just fine.

I create the linked connection as if creating a connection to the Master, and then checking the Include additional databases checkbox. I then select the "Linked" DB from the bottom half of the Additional Databases dialog.

The Test button reports that the connection is successful. So far so good.

The first thing I noticed is that the connection icon has a small red X overlaid, and the name of the connection is:

srv1.DB1 + srv2.DB2 - Error: Invalid column name 'generated_always_type'.

which doesn't look good already.

So far, everything I've tried as C# Expression has had a yellow stripe at the top of the window query after execution, saying "Invalid column name 'generated_always_type'."

On the other hand, switching to SQL Language, I can run simple queries such as:

select * from [srv2].[DB2].[dbo].[tblFoo]

And get the expected results.

I've searched for any possible known problem with LinqPad regarding this 'generated_always_type' column, but didn't find anything relevant.

Any takers?


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