LP6 error with Linq to DB and MS Access
I'm using the Linq to DB driver to read an MS Access file. I can set up the connection, and the Test button returns Successful, but when I actually run a SQL query I get "Unable to obtain a DbFactory for the connection."
I do have the 64bit Access Database Engine installed. I get this error in Linqpad with both the ODBC and OleDB drivers. Would appreciate any suggestions
More info: When I expand the connection in the left-hand pane, I do get a list of tables in the Access db, so LP is communicating successfully. And if I run C# statements against the connection, they work fine as well. It's just when I choose SQL as the language and try to run that. Is this not supported with this driver?
Can confirm issue. I would recommend to use LP5 for SQL queries with LinqToDB provider while it is not fixed.
linq2db has confirmed this is an issue with their LP6 driver: https://github.com/linq2db/linq2db.LINQPad/issues/58
Try the latest LINQPad 6 beta - it may work around this issue.
I'm sorry I didn't respond to this thread earlier -- I didn't notice that I wasn't subscribed to notifications. As of the current LP6 v6.14.10, this is now working. I assume that this is from the workaround LP implemented, because the issue still appears open with linq2db. Thanks!