Highlight clicked/selected identifier?
I'm unsure if I'm going mad or not - or if this is a case of false-memory syndrome, but I could swear that Linqpad had the feature that VS had where if you click on a variable/local/parameter then all occurrences of that identifier in the document would be highlighted - and right now it doesn't seem to be working, but I'm not sure if it ever used to be a thing in Linqpad. There's no option for it, but I'm certain I've seen it work before...
Yes, LINQPad has that feature. Also, pressing Shift+Ctrl+Down and Shift+Ctrl+Up jumps to the next/previous usage.
Is this happening on just one machine?
I noticed this feature go missing occasionally, but could never track down any reason. Last time it stopped working I tried making a minor change to the script (to force recompiling) but didn't help, but when I closed the query and re-opened it, it worked fine.
I tried it in both LinqPad 5 and LinqPad 6 just now and it's working again, weird.