how to combine dump level and exclusion columns?
need some help or example
TradeObjectsFiltered.Dump( exclude: "notes,TradeObjectOrders,tradeScreenshot,scalein1time,scalein1price,initial_entryPrice, scalein1price,scalein1time,scalein2price,scalein2time,scalein1qty,scalein2qty,halfExitPrice,monitoringStopPrice, todayTarget, todayTargetRemainingatStart, todayTargetRemainingatEnd, cumulativeGainsToday, cumulativeMAEtoday, cumulativeMFEtoday"),depth=1);
Change depth=1 to depth:1
is there a way i can exclude columns at depth =2. for eg.

TradeObjectsFiltered.Dump( exclude: "notes,TradeObjectOrders" , depth=2)
In the screenshot above, i want to skip the "screenshotfilename" from printing out.
You can exclude columns based on type by defining a global hook in My Extensions.
Go to 'My Extensions' (Ctrl+Shift+Y) and define the following global method: