BUG: Ineligible autocomplete entries (generic extension methods with constraints)
I have some extensions defined to help with chaining expressions with common interfaces and operations.
public static class ChainableExtensions { public static T With<T>(this T source, Action<T> action) { action(source); return source; } public static TResult Let<T, TResult>(this T source, Func<T, TResult> func) { return func(source); } #region IDictionary<TKey, TValue> extensions public static TDictionary AddChained<TKey, TValue, TDictionary>(this TDictionary dict, TKey key, TValue value) where TDictionary : IDictionary<TKey, TValue> { dict.Add(key, value); return dict; } ... #endregion #region IList<T> extensions public static TList InsertChained<T, TList>(this TList list, int index, T item) where TList : IList<T> { list.Insert(index, item); return list; } ... #endregion #region ISet<T> extensions public static TSet UnionWithChained<T, TSet>(this TSet set, IEnumerable<T> other) where TSet : ISet<T> { set.UnionWith(other); return set; } ... #endregion #region ICollection<T> extensions public static TCollection AddChained<T, TCollection>(this TCollection coll, T item) where TCollection : ICollection<T> { coll.Add(item); return coll; } ... #endregion }
Autocomplete doesn't seem to take the constraints into account. All of the above methods are showing as options in autocomplete, even for types that do not satisfy the constraint. I feel like this should be fixed.
LinqPad Beta 7.1.4
.Net Runtime 6.0.1
LINQPad uses Roslyn to filter the autocompletion lists, which has an open issue with type constraints: