What library is Linqpad using for F# sql to linq
Unfortunately, linq to sql support for F# is quite terrible. First there was FSharp.Data.TypeProviders, but this project was discontinued.
Then there is FSharp.Data.SqlClient, but that has a number of issues, one of being not able to handle table names with underscores like table_name and tablename.
So, I desperately need a reliable F# SQL to Linq library. The Linqpad SQL to Linq for F# looks great. Which library is used under the hood and would it be possible to reference that library? Willing to pay!
LINQPad uses the following library, based on Microsoft's LINQ-to-SQL library in .NET Framework 4.x:
There's no designer, however, so you'll have to write the entity classes yourself (or create a Visual Studio project that targets .NET Framework, so that you can use its LINQ-to-SQL designer).
I take it that Samples/F# Tutorial/Read Me First is out-of-date and querying databases via LINQ IS supported for F# queries.
Mine currently says :
Thanks - looks like I need to update that.