Drill down - via link in query output
I could swear I have read about a way to create a hyperlink in query output that when clicked will execute a second query. Am looking to create a drill down type of functionality.
My attempts to find in this forum some hints to method calls, etc. are not getting me any place. My ego with respect to my prowess in searching forums is taking a hit this morning.
Can anyone help me out?
My attempts to find in this forum some hints to method calls, etc. are not getting me any place. My ego with respect to my prowess in searching forums is taking a hit this morning.
Can anyone help me out?
If you actually want a hyperlink displayed try the following:
Util.RawHtml("<a href=\"http://www.google.com\">Hellow!</a> ")
You will simply need to change the data connection to a database of your choosing, and then provide some table names. The purpose of the script is to try to identify stored procedures that contain all of the terms listed in the tables array variable. As you can see, the script first dumps a Hyperlinq to the outputpanel, which when clicked actually runs the dynamic query which has been constructed. I am looking for a way to skip this step of dumping to the hyperlinq to the outputpanel and requiring user click.... I want to dump the dynamic query result directly to the outputpanel.
You'll love this for inline computed details.
You can even make it do db lookup and put result inline...
App is certainly a lot more capable than it was back in 2013.