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Can not Render MermaidJS on Result panel

I'm use FluentMermaid Library to generate mermaid syntax but can not render on result panel


var chart = FlowChart.Create(Orientation.TopToBottom);
var cat = chart.TextNode("Cat", Shape.Circle);
var dog = chart.TextNode("Dog", Shape.Trapezoid);
chart.Link(cat, dog, Link.Open, "hates");
string mermaidSyntax = chart.Render();
new renderMermaid(mermaidSyntax).Dump("Render Mermaid");

class renderMermaid : Control
public renderMermaid(string vstr) : base("div")
HtmlElement.InnerHtml = vstr;
CssClass = "mermaid";
protected override void OnRendering(EventArgs e)

When Export as HTML file output is render


  • I tried the same today, and the situation today is the same. Some kind of issue prevents MermaidJS from initializing correctly.
    A workaround is to manually initialize it on a timer, e.g. add a call to

    @"  <script type=""text/javascript"">
        mermaid.initialize({ startOnLoad: false});
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 10);

    to the end of the script above. That caused the diagram to render correctly, with a slight delay.

    Modified Linqpad:

  • Thank you so much for resolving my problem. Everything works now.

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