Workspaces : Updating the querypath.txt to mimic workspaces : Portable Deployments
I have 1,000 - 100,000 + linq file LINQPad based apps/playgrounds/interactive tools. I need to switch query folders on every launch of LINQPad so I built a system to update the appdata\roaming\linqpad\querypath.txt on launch after killing all LINQPad processes.
It doesn't work for portable deployments. Otherwise, it works great!
Can all these files be scripted this would be great for further LINQPad automation?
@JoeAlbahari are we safe to update the querypath.txt ourselves? Thanks.
Yes, you can safely update that file, or pretty much any other settings file.
Would it help if LINQPad had a startup switch to specify the My Queries folder?
Yes, shortcuts can then be made to point to different folders.
Can you add these cli switches to LINQPad 5 too, because the querypath.txt applies to all versions running on your machine. Or maybe create a querypath_L5 and/or querypath_L7 or somehow distinguish between versions.
Thank you.