Is it possible to include arguments with -run? Like this:
.\LINQPad7.exe C:\Foo.linq -run -hideeditor -args foo
This isn't supported with the GUI, only with LPRun.
My workaround to this:
.\Lprun.exe C:\Foo.linq -args foo .\LINQPad7.exe C:\Foo.linq -run -hideeditor
Code inside Foo.linq checks where it's being called from.
If from cmd (lprun) then it saves the args to a file only.
If from LINQPad then it reads args from file only.
You can wrap both inside a powershell or batch file so you only pass in args.
FooScript.ps1 foo foo
This isn't supported with the GUI, only with LPRun.
My workaround to this:
.\Lprun.exe C:\Foo.linq -args foo
.\LINQPad7.exe C:\Foo.linq -run -hideeditor
Code inside Foo.linq checks where it's being called from.
If from cmd (lprun) then it saves the args to a file only.
If from LINQPad then it reads args from file only.
You can wrap both inside a powershell or batch file so you only pass in args.
FooScript.ps1 foo foo