NuGet Packages download but don't register - still says Click to download
When F4 to install NuGet pacakges everything looks like it downloads but it still says Nuget (click to download) in my DLL dialog and the references are never added
Downloads like normal
But then continues to say "Nuget (click to download)"
This is LINQPad 5
Does it help if you restore it from the My Extensions query?
I have the same issue. My Extensions query did not work.
Is there any workaround for this issue please?
Try reopen script - packages should be restored.
It does not work. The script can´t be run for that reason. This issue only happens with one of the packages.

Every time I reopen the script, the package is downloaded, but Linqpad does not register it.
I am using Linqpad 5
Add the required dlls manually, i.e. download the package manually and unzip the dlls and add them to LinqPad.
Or else create a Visual Studio project for Framework 4.8 and add the nuget package, build the project and then see what dlls it has added to your bin folder and add them to LinqPad.
I presume this package is from a private feed, which presumably would make it difficult for Joe to diagnose what is going wrong.