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Nuget Dependency in Disconnected Environment


I have a need to install and run LINQPad on a machine that does not connect to the internet. I am trying to connect to an Oracle database, using EF7, that is only accessible from within a subnet. I have downloaded the requisite nuget packages from a different machine that can access the internet. I have copied the following folders over but still get the message that i need to download Oracle EF Core. I know the folder and dependencies exist because i copied them myself.


Is there a way to get past this issue? Many thanks


  • That should do it. Have you tried opening an identical connection on the source machine, with the identical version of LINQPad? It might be that there are more NuGet packages to download.

  • Yea, I believe I did. Only thing different that I can think of is the Linqpad executable folder. They’re both the same version but different directory

  • Thanks, I was able to get it working - I ended up downloading the driver for SQLite which downloaded bunch of other packages.

    Now I have come across another scenario that I have never encountered but hoping you have accounted for. Every night my environments get wiped out and I get a random connection to brand new virtual machine with a random name. I have burned two transfers already using offline activations. Is there a way to get around this issue?


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