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CS0103 The name 'Invoices' does not exist in the current context

This simple code has a Connection to the Demo Database:

void Main()
var q = from i in Invoices select i;


namespace TestNS
class TestClass
public static void DoIt()
var q = from i in Invoices select i;

While the object for table Invoices is valid in Main, it is not valid in TestNS/TestClass/DoIt. Why is it? How can I make it valid in this context?



  • void Main()
        var q = from i in Invoices select i;
        Console.WriteLine (q.Count());
        TestNS.TestClass.DoIt (this);
    namespace TestNS
        class TestClass
            public static void DoIt (UserQuery query)
                var q = from i in query.Invoices select i;
                Console.WriteLine (q.Count());
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