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Bug with Intellisense

I am currently using LinqPad 7 version v7.6.6 (X64). When creating a simple test class with a static method that I use to create an instance of it using an object initializer with parameters passed to my static create method, I get the names of some strange backing fields in the Intellisense.

The property shows correctly, but the parameter, which should also be in scope, does not.



  • I have an issue also with intellisense where it is only triggered when I'm typing the . or saying it differently: only when I start typing a word. When I'm in the middle and it doesn't show me anything I cannot trigger it with Ctrl + Space. I've noticed it after latest LINQPad 5 update to v5.47.0 (AnyCPU) but I can see it is happening also on my LINQPad 7 (v7.6.6 x64).
    Maybe some backend component used by both also updated and is causing this issue.

  • Can you please provide a step-by-step repro?

  • Now, that I'm trying to reproduce it in easy steps I can't. I'll try to be more aware about what I did when I encounter that problem again.

  • @benoit said:
    I have an issue also with intellisense where it is only triggered when I'm typing the . or saying it differently: only when I start typing a word. When I'm in the middle and it doesn't show me anything I cannot trigger it with Ctrl + Space. I've noticed it after latest LINQPad 5 update to v5.47.0 (AnyCPU) but I can see it is happening also on my LINQPad 7 (v7.6.6 x64).
    Maybe some backend component used by both also updated and is causing this issue.

    I have had the same issue recently, currently on v7.8.1 (x64) and it was bugging me, if I started typing and dismissed the initial suggestion box, pressing Ctrl + Space did nothing, but using the menu option to complete word did. I then remembered this was also effecting my Visual Studio, so thought there might be a global keyboard hook somewhere, and sure enough: Windows PowerToys' Peek uses Ctrl + Space as the shortcut, this prevents LINQPad (and Visual Studio) from that shortcut. I think this is not the first PowerToys shortcut I've had to change / disable, so possibly this is what happened to you.

  • Thanks. That must have been it.
    Maybe they also found that it was interfering and then they fixed it cause then I couldn't easily reproduced this problem.

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