Two Minor requests relating to ReadLineAsync
1) Can mnemonics be disabled on the ReadLine/ReadLineAsync prompts, so that ampersands are displayed.correctly without needing to double them up? (Or is there some benefit I am not considering.)
2) Can you add an overload for
public static Task<TResult> ReadLineAsync<TResult>(string prompt = null)
There is currently an overload with a second optional parameter.
public static Task<TResult> ReadLineAsync<TResult>(string prompt = null, CancellationToken cancelToken = default(CancellationToken))
Unfortunately, you can actually omit the second parameter because the compiler can't tell if you want to use the above overload or the following one
public static Task<TResult> ReadLineAsync<TResult>(string prompt, TResult defaultValue = default(TResult), IEnumerable<TResult> suggestions = null, CancellationToken cancelToken = default(CancellationToken))
Thanks - this should now be fixed in 7.7.11
Thanks again.
The ReadLine/ReadLineAsync prompts in the ReadLine library do not have the option to disable mnemonics (ampersands). Mnemonics are used to indicate hotkeys in prompts, and their doubling (&) is the standard approach to display the ampersand symbol. If you need to display the ampersand without doubling, you have to implement your own input processing logic.