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LINQPad 7 disable auto updates and activation code silently.

Hi Support team,
We are third party patch providers and willing to add this application to our catalog.

I have downloaded LINQPad 7 application and been validating. However i would like to request you for how to disable auto updates silently.

Also i have been observed on the shortcut there is option to upgrade to a paid edition of Linqpad. so it is licensed application or we can use as free application? If we want to add the activation code to upgrade to premium, could you please let me know how we can add the activate code through silently with out any user interaction (Either using commandline/file based/registry.

Looking forward for your response,



  • how we can add the activate code through silently with out any user interaction

    https://www.linqpad.net/FAQ.aspx#:~:text=via the command-line

  • I have downloaded LINQPad 7 application and been validating. However i would like to request you for how to disable auto updates silently.

    Automatic updates is controlled via the option in Edit | Preferences > Updates. That option is stored in %localappdata%\LINQPad\DisableAutoUpdatesUntil.txt. Write a value such as 2050-1-1 to that file to disable automatic updates indefinitely.

  • For Silent activation can we use for all users "-activateall=YOUR-ACTIVATION-CODE" property along with source file EXE(LINQPad7Setup.exe) during installation?

    And for disable auto updates, can you provide the sample DisableAutoUpdatesUntil.txt to verify? and what could be the possible options to make it false when it is true (what is the value for true and value for false)?

  • For Silent activation can we use for all users "-activateall=YOUR-ACTIVATION-CODE" property along with source file EXE(LINQPad7Setup.exe) during installation?

    Use /activateall= with LINQPad7Setup.exe
    Use -activateall= with LINQPad7.exe

    And for disable auto updates, can you provide the sample DisableAutoUpdatesUntil.txt to verify? and what could be the possible options to make it false when it is true (what is the value for true and value for false)?

    This file contains a date at which automatic updates should resume. To disable updates, write a value such as the following to the file:


    To re-enable automatic updates, just delete the file.

  • Thanks for your support,

    I have another query to ask you.

    Linqpad7 7.7.15 is stable release? if so could you please provide the release notes for 7.7.15 version and can we download the previous version of Linqpad7? and please provide the download links.

  • 7.7.15 is stable, as shown on the website. Here are the release notes:

    Old versions of LINQPad 7 are unsupported.

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