How to know the number of times a subquery executes?
I have the following LINQ code, which runs as expected.
However, I need to know the number of times the subquery colors.Max (c2 => c2.Length) runs. Is it possible to know this from LINQPad and if yes, then how would I look it up in the execution plan or somewhere else? I'm using Premium LINQPad 4.59.00.
I looked up the IL pad after query execution, but cannot determine how many times the subquery is executed.
string[] colors = { "green", "brown", "blue", "red" }; var query = from c in colors where c.Length == colors.Max (c2 => c2.Length) select c; query.Dump();
The IL tab shows the following output
IL_0000: newobj UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2..ctor IL_0005: stloc.1 // CS$<>8__locals3 IL_0006: nop IL_0007: ldloc.1 // CS$<>8__locals3 IL_0008: ldc.i4.4 IL_0009: newarr System.String IL_000E: stloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_000F: ldloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_0010: ldc.i4.0 IL_0011: ldstr "green" IL_0016: stelem.ref IL_0017: ldloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_0018: ldc.i4.1 IL_0019: ldstr "brown" IL_001E: stelem.ref IL_001F: ldloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_0020: ldc.i4.2 IL_0021: ldstr "blue" IL_0026: stelem.ref IL_0027: ldloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_0028: ldc.i4.3 IL_0029: ldstr "red" IL_002E: stelem.ref IL_002F: ldloc.2 // CS$0$0000 IL_0030: stfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.colors IL_0035: ldloc.1 // CS$<>8__locals3 IL_0036: ldfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.colors IL_003B: ldloc.1 // CS$<>8__locals3 IL_003C: ldftn UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__0 IL_0042: newobj System.Func<System.String,System.Boolean>..ctor IL_0047: call System.Linq.Enumerable.Where IL_004C: stloc.0 // query IL_004D: ldloc.0 // query IL_004E: call LINQPad.Extensions.Dump IL_0053: pop IL_0054: nop IL_0055: ret <>c__DisplayClass2.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__0: IL_0000: ldarg.1 IL_0001: callvirt System.String.get_Length IL_0006: ldarg.0 IL_0007: ldfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.colors IL_000C: ldsfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate4 IL_0011: brtrue.s IL_0026 IL_0013: ldnull IL_0014: ldftn UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__1 IL_001A: newobj System.Func<System.String,System.Int32>..ctor IL_001F: stsfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate4 IL_0024: br.s IL_0026 IL_0026: ldsfld UserQuery+<>c__DisplayClass2.CS$<>9__CachedAnonymousMethodDelegate4 IL_002B: call System.Linq.Enumerable.Max IL_0030: ceq IL_0032: stloc.0 // CS$1$0000 IL_0033: br.s IL_0035 IL_0035: ldloc.0 // CS$1$0000 IL_0036: ret <>c__DisplayClass2.<RunUserAuthoredQuery>b__1: IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: callvirt System.String.get_Length IL_0006: stloc.0 // CS$1$0000 IL_0007: br.s IL_0009 IL_0009: ldloc.0 // CS$1$0000 IL_000A: ret <>c__DisplayClass2..ctor: IL_0000: ldarg.0 IL_0001: call System.Object..ctor IL_0006: ret
Even when debugging the above code, I could not determine the number of times subquery executes.
I found a certain way to determine the number of executions of the subquery by using debug in a special manner.
I went to the main menu of Debug > Step All Threads Into and then kept pressing the F11 key. This way it stepped through each execution of the LINQ query and I could easily see that the subquery was getting executed once for each row in outer query i.e. for each color.
I didn't have to set any break points for doing this.
Here's another way:
If you want to extend this to count various methods you can define an extension method.
For example, if you want to count the number of comparisons as well as the number of times max and length are executed, you could do something like.

It does make your code a little messy, but works.
Will the Counter class work for all LINQ queries or only for this specific one? I am still trying to understand what exactly is being counted and the data structure of dumped results.
I tried applying a similar approach to LINQ code below based on Northwind database connection i.e. calling Dump method on OrderDetails.Max(o1=>o1.UnitPrice), but it gave an exception at the last line of code that said NotSupportedException: Method 'System.Decimal Dump[Decimal](System.Decimal, System.String)' has no supported translation to SQL..
It is simply counting the number of times the count extension method is being called, so if your query or code does not include any calls to that method, it obviously will not do anything.
In the case of the northwind database, the query gets translated to SQL and then executed on the database server. It's not possible then to answer the question "How many times does the subquery execute", because that's an implementation detail of SQL Server.
I get it. For this, I should be looking at the execution plan in SSMS for the SQL query generated by the LINQ code.
Specifically, I need to be looking at the quantity Number of executions for the aggregate node in the plan diagram ( hover over the node to see this quantity in the resulting tooltip popup).