I'd like to use Util.RawHtml(code) to display HTML page in the result panel. But I want to create another panel (or tab) and show the HTML page. How to do that?
var html = new System.Net.WebClient().DownloadString ("https://www.linqpad.net");
DumpX(Util.RawHtml(html), "Panel1");
// or
DumpX(Util.RawHtml(html), "Panel2" , "https://www.linqpad.net");
Obviously in this example the images will not be displayed, but you get the idea.
If you look at rorourke's DumpX from https://forum.linqpad.net/discussion/3051/pushing-dumpx-further , then you can do something like
Obviously in this example the images will not be displayed, but you get the idea.
I put

intoMy Extensions
, then I got this error:I solved. Just add this line to my query.