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Show dif names when diffing lists


Is there an easy way to include the dif names when diffing two lists as opposed to two single objects?

For example this code:

void Main()
    var a = new House(1, 3);
    var b = new House(2, 3);
    Util.Dif(a, b).Dump();

    var firstList = new List<House>()
        new House(1, 3),
        new House(2, 3)
    var secondList = new List<House>()
        new House(3, 3),
        new House(4, 3)

    Util.Dif(firstList, secondList).Dump();

public class House(int number, int roomCount)
    public int Number => number;
    public int RoomCount => roomCount;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"House {Number}";

...produces this output:

It would be great to be able to see some dif names in the second dump. Maybe as additional Util.Dif string parameters?

Best regards



  • So my current workaround is this:

    void Main()
        var a = new House(1, 3);
        var b = new House(2, 3);
        Util.Dif(a, b).Dump("Dump objects");
        var firstList = new List<House>()
            new House(1, 3),
            new House(2, 3)
        var secondList = new List<House>()
            new House(3, 3),
            new House(4, 3)
        Util.Dif(firstList, secondList).Dump("Dump lists");
        UtilEx.DifDump(firstList, secondList);
    public class House(int number, int roomCount)
        public int Number => number;
        public int RoomCount => roomCount;
        public override string ToString()
            return $"House {Number}";
    public static class UtilEx
        public static bool DifDump(object object1, object object2, int? depth = null, bool hideMatchingMembers = false,
                                    [CallerArgumentExpression(nameof(object1))] string leftLabel = "",
                                    [CallerArgumentExpression(nameof(object2))] string rightLabel = "")
            var difResult = Util.Dif(object1, object2, depth, hideMatchingMembers);
            if (!difResult.IsSame)
                var difLabels = new Div();
                difLabels.HtmlElement.InnerHtml = $"<td class='n'><span class='difremove'>{leftLabel}</span>&nbsp;<span class='difadd'>{rightLabel}</span></td>";
            return difResult.IsSame;

    ... which results in this output:

    I don't love the mixing of the Diffing and Dump, but it's nice and compact at least:)

  • If the purpose is just to remind yourself which list is which, then I'd just use

    Util.Dif(firstList, secondList).DumpTell();

    or you can set Enable automatic Dump-headings by default for new queries and just dump as per normal.

  • Hi, I'd forgotten about DumpTell. I think I still want the colours to be reflected as I want the the most clear link between the labels and the data. DumpTell is cetrtainly quicker though :)

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