Multiple context in query
I was able to hold down Ctrl key and drag two different DB from the same server into the query, and the Connection indicates DB1 + DB2. Now the context of the query seems to be that of the second DB connection added. I have been unable to find out how to use a context for the first DB added. I am looking for a link to some instruction or example.
EDIT: Well shoot, this probly isn't going to work for me since it seems that this requires sql users instead of windows users and I do not control the 2nd db server. sp_addlinkedserver fail.
Enhancement Request:
Basically like this -
Please add Cross-Server Database Queries.
It would be nice to allow this this:
User story:
As a user, I want to be able to bring in the database context from another server so that i can get data from one server with .ToArray() and join it to the data from another server's db so i can cross reference them.