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Dump image with custom size

edited April 2014 in General

I think that Util.Image() doesn't have arguments for custom image size. For that reason instead using Util.Image() I thought to try with Util.RawHtml() like in this line:
Util.RawHtml(String.Format("<img src='{0}' height='96' width='96' />", thumb.Element(d + "MediaUrl").Value))
However now I get Exception in dumped result:
Cannot parse custom HTML:
'<img src='http://ts4.mm.bing.net/th?id=HN.608030595988457907&pid=15.1' height='96' width='96' />'
- ''=' is an unexpected token.
The expected token is ';'. Line 1, position 70.
Why doesn't it validate the img src url that contains "=" char?
Any ideas how to resolve this?



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