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JSON Server

Just wanted to let you all know of something really cool I'm doing and it's becoming an incredibly fast development environment for web applications. Basically, I was getting tired of all the hoops jumped through to do enterprise web development in one of the more popular frameworks- struts,asp.net,asp mvc, spring, rails, grails, etc.

I had already written a homegrown server over year ago that basically listens on a socket, receives requests for compiling C# snippets, running them, and streaming back the results based on a lightweight protocol.

Lately I've beefed up the compiler to work straight off of Linqpad scripts. In addition, I've extended the server to handle HTTP GET/POST requests the kind of which would come from an AJAX call.

So, my development environment for web apps is as follows:

1. Notepad++ with a web page open with alot of Javascript, JQuery with plenty of AJax calls.
2. Linqpad Open - Developing scripts of my backend LINQ-SQL result to JSON.
3. My homegrown linq C# server - any time a script changes, it is recompiled
4. My browser open - if I change a script, I just refresh the page I'm on.

It's the closest thing I can compare to Node.js. I could call it "Node.c#"

LINQ-SQL is such a great way to create the back-end logic. Lines ofCode is less than 20% what I used to write in Java so it gives me more time to work on the UX in Javascript.

Anybody else ever thought of this? I think Joseph A. could make a bunch of $'s by turning Linqpad into a JSON HTTP server.


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