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Quick Info (popup bubble help) - disable?

Hi there,
Occasionally the quick info popup (bubble help) gets in the way. Is there a way to temporarily disable this?


  • Is there a heuristic I could use to determine at what times it gets in the way?
  • Hi Joe, sure. But first, THANKS for a *great* program that I use daily!

    In the LP (and VisualStudio) code window, Quick Info pops up its code-sensitive help whenever the mouse rolls over non-commented code. This is normally very helpful, but can be a mixed blessing when it covers other sections of code (that I'm trying to see). The problem is more annoying when the popup is large.

    In VS2010, popup is raised in the same way by the mouse, as well as the menu sequence (E)dit (I)ntelliSense (Q)uick Info. Some programs allow this feature to be disabled, or delayed by a user specified time. Either would be great.

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