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Odd wrapping behavior with a fixed width on a dump container when using Util.HorizontalRun

edited October 2014 in General
I've noticed some add wrapping behavior when placing a horizontal run inside a dump container which has a style for a certain width. This is demonstrated with the following "C# Statements" script:

var lHorizontalRun = Util.HorizontalRun(false, "Check out this weird wrapping behavior by [", new Hyperlinq(() => Console.WriteLine("Hello!"), "Clicking Here"), "]!"); var lDumpContainer = new DumpContainer(); lDumpContainer.Style = "width: 280px;"; lDumpContainer.Content = lHorizontalRun; lHorizontalRun.Dump(); lDumpContainer.Dump();

Dumping the horizontal run places the link within the whole text in a predictable way. If you place that same horizontal run inside a dump container and fix the width of the container the hyperlinq will get placed on its own line. I see the following output for the script above:
Check out this weird wrapping behavior by [Clicking Here]!
Check out this weird wrapping behavior
by [
Clicking Here]!
This can also be demonstrated with just the horizontal run's dump by resizing the LINQPad window so the output window is narrower than the output. Basically the moment there is a line break, the link will always also break on its own line.

I'm unable to upload images at the moment, so hopefully I've been able to explain everything well enough.


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