You can enter "user@server" into the user name box in LINQPad's connection dialog if you think it will help. Whatever you type into this box ends up in the connection string.
You see that there are other differences: 1. Server instead DataSource 2. port in the DataSource 3. Database instead Initial Catalog 4. Trusted_Connection=False missing 5. @ in the username
Is difficult to make tests, cannot you allow to insert a custom connection string in another textbox?
the output ends with ";Encrypt=true". AFAIK, this is the correct way to specify encryption with SQL Azure connections.
Can you be more specific?
Server={server},1433;Database={Db};User ID={user@server};Password={password};Trusted_Connection=False;Encrypt=True;Connection Timeout=30;
So the extra parameter is Encrypt=True.
use Security Enabled Connection Strings
If the security option is enabled is not possible to connect to the DB from LINQPad.
Do you need a screenshot?
You can verify this by dumping the connection string.
If you can try to enable the option on Azure you will see that you cannot connect with LINQPad.
1. Server instead DataSource
2. port in the DataSource
3. Database instead Initial Catalog
4. Trusted_Connection=False missing
5. @ in the username
Is difficult to make tests, cannot you allow to insert a custom connection string in another textbox?
The server name is:
tcp:{your}, so there is .secure. into.
Sorry for the confusion.