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What happens when I type shouldn't be dependent upon where my mouse is.

This is not new to C# users, but having got Intellisense for VB.NET in v5.0, I'm finding I always have to stop typing and move the mouse out of the way to allow typing to continue typing rather than changing the dropdown menu's selection.

In fact, when the mouse happens to be over the dropdown, Ctrl+H doesn't work and, in v4.0 C#, holding down the Ctrl key doesn't transparent the menu (a feature we seem to have lost in v5).


  • Can you provide a step-by-step repro?

    Regarding the Control key not making the autocompletion windows transparent, I've now fixed this for 5.0.8.
  • I missed the repro request.

    In LinqPad 4, start a new C# Statement(s) query.
    To imagine you just cleared the contents of an existing query, type

    Hover the mouse over the 7 and make sure the "int" tooltip is displaying.

    Type Ctrl+A Del to clear

    (If you're a touch typist you may need a longer keyword to normally notice this issue, but type slowly here.)

    Type v

    Wait for the dropdown to appear (already suggesting "var", but pretend you don't notice)

    Type a

    Now notice the dropdown: it's offering "AbandonedMutexException"

    And it gets worse from there unless you move the mouse out of the way. E.g. AFAICT only Escape and Enter will close the menu.

    When the mouse is NOT over the menu it is quite intelligent with its suggestions. When it is over the menu it simply goes to the first entry of the typed letter.

    In LinqPad 5 VB.NET the same scenario, (with an error about labels instead of an int tooltip) and intending to type Dim gives the same issues (except it's not being as intelligent about suggesting Dim until you've typed all of it -- when the mouse ISN'T above the menu.
  • Under Windows Control Panel, Mouse, Ease of Access, have you got "Activate a window by hovering over it with the mouse" checked?
  • Yes, the equivalent of XMouse. (Control Panel > Ease of Access Centre > Mouse in Win7 and Win8.1) And I can confirm the problem goes away when I turn it off, but I'm really used to it on :-(
  • BTW I do have the extra registry setting that means the active window doesn't also jump to the front.
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