Yes, I've got your error reports. No-one else has reported that error, though, so I suspect it's related with your machine. I take it there's nothing else in the folder where you've got LINQPad.exe?
Your last comment gave me the way. I have extracted the dll's out of Linqpad.exe file and they were sitting beside the LinqPad.exe, after moving them into separate folder crash issue goes away. Sorry you had to put up with this.
Out of curiosity, can I ask why you extracted the assemblies?
You will get a performance improvement on first execution (and especially with lprun.exe) if you extract and ngen the Roslyn assemblies. I'm planning for the final release version of the installable version of LINQPad to do this automatically.
I extracted them out of curiosity, wanted to see if LinqPad will load them from folder or from within. Also wanted to see implementation details for some features of the LinqPad
It's a Windows 10 machine. Is there a way to enable some logging? I did send the error report as well.
Here is screenshot
Screenshot -
You will get a performance improvement on first execution (and especially with lprun.exe) if you extract and ngen the Roslyn assemblies. I'm planning for the final release version of the installable version of LINQPad to do this automatically.