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Capitalisation of xml breaks VB.NET Xml Documents in v5

I found this breaking existing code that worked in v4.

Here's a simple example. Paste this into a VB Statement(s) query:
Dim x = _
    <?xml version="1.0" ?>
Dim y = x.<test>
If you manually correct the autocapitalisation of the x, and, execute the query immedately, it does work.

But if you then, say, uncomment the last line, the Xml is noticed and everything fails. Also, Ctrl+Z does not seem to help here.


  • Thanks - this is now fixed for 5.0.10
  • Fixed, but that my actual use case returned XML, e.g. by changing the commented out line to y.First.Dump, caused me to notice you've "fixed" dumping XML to use "Rich Text" unless you specify "Data Grids", but that means you lose the "standard" IE xslt that includes the collapsing plus/minuses (which is still available in Data Grids mode).

    Once you realise what's going on it's not much of a problem, but seeing as your Rich Text already includes some collapsing features, it would be nice if this were available there too.
  • Yes, the default for dumping XML is now rich text. Rich text has the advantage of not relying on a message loop, so the following works as you'd expect:
    Dim x = _
    	<?xml version = "1.0" ?>
        <test > z </test >
    Dim y = x.<test>
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