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LINQPad fails to start due to update system violating group policy

Hi Joe, another Group Policy issue you should be aware of, similar to http://forum.linqpad.net/discussion/761.

LINQPad detected a new update (457), downloaded it, and prompted me to install it. I tried multiple times but it kept throwing a security exception (violates group policy). It also wouldn't let me close the application (I assume it's trying to update on close).

I managed to kill it with task manager, but then it wouldn't start again with the same issue (I assume it's trying to update).

After digging through with process monitor I found the cause; the update is downloaded to the C:\ProgramData\LINQPad\Updates40\457 folder. Trying to run it manually from here triggered the same exception; either this exe, or whatever it's doing, violates our group policy.

I fixed the problem manually by copying the new files over the top of the install in C:\Program Files (x86)\LINQPad4\ (presumably this is what the LINQPad update system does) and it's all good; I'm now running v4.57.02.

I'm not sure if there's anything you can think of to improve things in the future.
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