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Dynamic mapping at runtime between object properties and sql fields

Sorry for posting this question into this group but I thought that since the subject is quite relevant to the way linqpad works, it might be helpful to find somebody that knows the way.
I am looking for something to incorporate into my c# win desktop application with the following functionality.

I need a dynamic mapping, user defined at runtime, between c# object properties and sql fields. Imagine that I have an application that in order to work needs to read a number of input data (in my code as properties of an object) where one time it reads them from A source and another time from B source (where A and B are sql server connections, specific tables and fields, some type of sql query to identify a scalar as the value of a variable or a set of rows as a list of some objects.

So I need for my user to define these different sources A and B and C as many times that he wants and save them to a configuration file (XML).
Part of the UI and functionality could be the same as linqpad (thus the similarity to this forum).

Hope that somebody knows or has a great idea that would like to share with me. Sometime ago I had found a similar functionality from eclipse and a BPMS tool a bit more primitive and java oriented.

Thanking you in advance for your time and effort.

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