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Cannot update multiple progressbars asynchronously

This works well:
  .Range(0, 10)
  .ForEach(x =>
    var progressBar = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();

    for (var i = 0; i <= 64; i++)
      progressBar.Fraction = (double)i / 64.0;
I see 10 progressbars updating sequentially from 0% to 100% (OK).

This doesn't work well:
  .Range(0, 10)
  .ForAll(x =>
    var progressBar = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();

    for (var i = 0; i <= 64; i++)
      progressBar.Fraction = (double)i / 64.0;
I'd expect to see 10 progress bars updating simultaneously, however I only see one progressbar updating from 0% to 100% (NOK).

Simpler examples:
var pb1 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
var pb2 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
pb2.Fraction = 1;
Result: Two progress bars are visible, one 0% and one 100% (OK)
var pb1 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
pb1.Fraction = 1;
var pb2 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
Result: One progress bar is visible at 100% (NOK)

What makes the output a bit uncertain, after applying .Sleep() it is correct:
var pb1 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
pb1.Fraction = 1;
var pb2 = new Util.ProgressBar().Dump();
pb2.Fraction = .5;
Result: Two progress bars are visible, one at 100% and one at 50% (OK).


  • I'll look into the problem soon; in the meantime, you can work around this by specifying a title when calling Util.ProgressBar.

    Also bear in mind that ParallelEnumerable is not designed for I/O-bound work and you might not get the desired level of concurrency. Try this instead:
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        var progressBar = new Util.ProgressBar (i.ToString()).Dump();
        Task.Run (async () =>
            for (var j = 0; j <= 64; j++)
                await Task.Delay (10);
                progressBar.Fraction = (double)j / 64.0;
    Or with Reactive Extensions:
    for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        var progressBar = new Util.ProgressBar (i.ToString()).Dump();
        Observable.Interval (TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds (10))
            .Subscribe (x => progressBar.Fraction = (double)x / 64.0);
  • Setting the caption is an instant fix; your other remark will probably explain why I got critical I/O errors in my event log when running several BinaryWriters at the same time. Will take another look. Thank you very much!
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