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linqpad with Firebird

i have some troubles getting Firebird to work with LinqPad.

i am using version 5.02.03, and here the steps i have done :

1) first i have copied these assemblied into linqpad installation folder :

2) Add Connection and choose Entity framework DBContext

3) Select the assembly that contain my DAL

4) the DBContext is properly recognized

5) for the question How should Linqpad instantiate the DBContext i choose via paramaters connection and give my app.config

6) the connection test passed and i have my entiies populated in the treeview

but when i try a query, i have an exception

InvalidCastException4 [A]System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFrameworkSection cannot be cast to [B]System.Data.Entity.Internal.ConfigFile.EntityFramewor...
or something like, because i am translating from french ...

any idea on what going on please , or is there another option to connect firebird with linqpad please ?


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