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LinqPad cannot find a type that is a member of a dll referenced in LinqPad DLL's and Namespaces

I am attempting to use LinqPad again for the first time again. I have always been unsuccessful in previous attempts because of some initial, insurmountable configuration issues. In this effort I am attempting to connect to an EF DbContext DLL with a connection string pointing to a SQL database on my local machine.

Previously today, I was able to successfully connect LinqPad to the database and make queries, but the queries were failing because LinqPad was trying to connect to a database whose connection string was commented out in both the app.config in the project folder and the [dll-name].dll.config in the bin folder. I deleted the commented out text in the config files, closed the project, uninstalled linqpad, rebooted, rebuilt the project, installed linqpad, and then encountered the current problem.

I encountered this same problem yesterday and overcame it by finessing the app.config references in LinqPad, but then had the problem of LinqPad connecting to the db in the commented-out connection string. Chances are, if I overcome this problem again, I will face something like the problem I had earlier this morning. I am on a project for a customer so working through this crap is excrutiating. I am hoping that being able to use LinqPad to drill into the LINQ queries I will be able to identify some opportunities for optimization. So this baloney may be justified, but it certainly indicates the primitive (unfinished, uncompleted) nature of your tool.

So now we are back to the beginning. The error reported by LinqPad is 'Type is not resolved for member 'System.Data.Entity.Core.Metadata.Exception, EntityFramework, version=, culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b7... (the correct key)". This is a namespace and type in the EF DLL in the bin folder with the project DLL and, as I said, that DLL is referenced in LinqPad, and all the namespaces in the DLL are added to the LinqPad namespaces.

So... what am I missing?

Kimball Johnson


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